{Words} Matter.
Grow your business with words that reflect your highest value, arrest attention, and speak directly with pinpoint accuracy.
Your strategy is only as good as your ability to articulate it. - Bob Iger, CEO, Disney
Your strategy is only as good as your ability to articulate it. - Bob Iger, CEO, Disney
People need to know immediately how you can help them. Full stop.
Your words are your first impression. The currency to sell for you. If they’re not clearly showing how you can solve their problem, you’re wasting your time. Words can either be your greatest salesman or your worst competitor. The good words are out there. Let’s arrive at them through strategic, guided conversation.
“I recommend you hire David Tofilon to do your marketing.”
– Personal video endorsement from Donald Miller, CEO of Storybrand.
Talk is cheap.
View some of my past work with clients.
Editing words
to revive clarity
Clarity doesn’t just happen. It’s elusive. It evades your experience and dodges years of mastery in your field. You’re great at what you do, so why is it so hard to share what you do in a way people will listen and respond?
I believe clarity is possible. It happens after intentional conversations, strategic questions and developed insights.
That’s it. And that’s exactly what we’ll do.
I’ll guide you through the process. We’ll uncover insight and arrive at clarity, not force it or throw spaghetti at a wall and hope it sticks.
Clearly articulate what you do, with confidence.
1- Schedule a 25 call
Let’s chat for a couple minutes on a call. You’ll get a feel for what is in store and see if we connect well. I’ll even offer some insight in real-time to not leave you empty handed. It’s honestly really helpful and gives a lot of people hope that clarity is possible.
2- Craft A Brandscript
Brand message coaching unlocks the right perspective. That’s where a guide comes in. I listen and ask the right questions that unlock clarity in your story so that we can distill the newfound insight you possess into a concise and clear message.
3- Grow Your Impact
With powerful, engaging words in your vocabulary, you’re able to maximize every opportunity and establish a lasting impression with every conversation. Your business then accelerates on the fuel of clear words. There’s nothing better than the feeling of seeing eyes lighting up when you talk about what you do. To people engaging and feeling possibility for growth in their own businesses and lives.
Branding is the soul of your business.
It’s more than just a digital aesthetic. It’s a focused force, fueled by your why, and forged into an identity that carries you to your goals.
I believe that branding is less about colors, fonts, and images, and more about well-placed words, powerful insights, and visual inspiration.
Stories that show what could be in the lives of your audience. You’re branding is already shaping your story. Let’s tell the right story.
So Here’s To Clarity. To eyes lighting up when you talk about what you do. To people engaging.
And who knows. That newfound clarity just might inspire you to even greater things. Cheers.