Proposal for Isaiah Haverdink


Hi Isaiah,

Thank you for the time yesterday to connect. I’m fired up about how God will use you in the fitness and health industry to bring hope & life to people. So many things ahead. This proposal outlines the specificity of what we talked through yesterday at The 205. Please read through this and let me know if you have any questions. You can contact me at 616-796-5717 via call or text.

I look forward the potential of helping you build a cohesive message that resonates with the unique message you are positioned to tell, and help you craft it in a compelling way that resonates with your ideal audience.

Proposed Coaching Package

Phase One: Verbal Identity Excavation $1,000

(4) 1 hr Brand Content Strategy Sessions. Bi-Weekly

Session 1: Verbal Identity In this session, we’ll uncover what resonates with you at a core level and how you want to pivot your existing reputation at F45 to your new endeavor. We’ll lay the groundwork for the Brandscript.

Session 2: Character Want, Aspirational Identity, USP

Session 3: External, Internal, Philosophical Problem

Session 4: Empathy, Authority, Process, Success, Failure

Payment terms: All payments are paid in full upfront.

Phase Two: Social Media Strategy & development. TBD

We briefly talked about the idea of social media strategy. We can follow up with another conversation on this. Ultimately, as you know, socials will be the most effective strategy for extending messaging and establishing your brand reputation and offer in the space here in Holland.

I am not clear yet on what you have, and what you’re looking for so here is the link to my full service branding house.


The last piece of direction here I’ll offer is some preliminary creative direction that I think would be killer for your brand! You mentioned local and community, I think a big piece of that would be to showcase people out of the gym too. Realizing that what they do in the gym translates to hiking at Riley trails, or running on Lake Michigan, etc.









The most impactful, resonating, truest thing about what you offer can be said in one line.

You have a vision, a momentum building in you for growth. Growth that is constantly undermined by a lackluster brand message. It’s alright, it’s accurate. It just doesn’t do justice to what you offer. It’s not just holding back your business, it’s holding you back. From reaching the right audience, the clients that you’re working hard to connect with. Words are supposed to be your currency, not a wall.

The good words are out there. Let’s arrive at them through strategic, guided conversation.